0.77 acres of Grade 1 agricultural land between the villages of Barmby on the Marsh and Asselby
Offers over: £15,000
Please see Brochure for further details
The land is located to the east of the village of Barmby on the Marsh and west of the village of Asselby. The property is accessed via a private right of way from Station Lane. The land has good access links to Howden (3.5 miles), Goole (5 miles) and Selby (5 miles).
The land comprises part of a larger arable field and would be suitable for a variety of purposes including arable cropping, equestrian, livestock grazing or amenity purposes, subject to the necessary consents. The land extends in total to approximately 0.77 acres (0.31 hectares).
The land is designated as Grade 1 land which is seen as the best and most versatile land type.
The land benefits from a private right of way over the hardcore track from Station Lane. This is also accessed by other users.
There are no services available to the Land.
Entry to the Land
The Purchaser is to be given entry to the Land at completion.
Freehold with vacant possession on completion.
Wayleaves and Easements
We are unaware of any wayleaves or easements crossing the land.
Public Rights of Way
There are no Public Rights of Way over the land.
Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)
No Basic Payment Entitlements are included in the sale.
Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ)
We have checked the Environment Agency NVZ map which confirms the land does not fall within an NVZ.
Sporting and Mineral Rights
Sporting and mineral rights are included with the sale so far as they are owned.
By permit from the Agents only. Please note if you have downloaded these particulars from our website, you must contact the office to register or you will not be included on further mailings regarding this sale. Please also register at www.stephenson.co.uk for regular email updates.
Local Authority
East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Register Square, Beverley HU17 9BA
It is understood that the property is not assessed for VAT and any offers made are on the basis that VAT will not be charged on the purchase price.
Method of Sale
The land is offered for sale by Private Treaty. The Vendor reserves the right to conclude the sale by any means.
Anti-Money Laundering Regulation
The Agent must comply with Anti Money Laundering regulations. As part of the requirements, the Agent must obtain evidence of the identity and proof of address of potential buyers. Prior to an offer being accepted, all parties who are purchasing must provide the necessary evidence.
Vendor's Solicitor
Symes Bains Broomer Solicitors, The Port Office, East Parade, Goole, DN14 5RB
Please see external Brochure for contact details.
Agent Contacts
For further information please contact:
Johnny Cordingley MRICS FAAV
Please see external Brochure for Johnny's contact details.
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