Offers Over £500,000

Stockton Lane, Stockton On The Forest, York

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63.16 acres of land off, Stockton Lane, York, , YO32 9UE

63.16 Acres of productive Grade 3 land on the edge of the village of Stockton on the Forest, York


The land is situated to the south of the village of Stockton on the Forest, with the north west boundary adjoining Stockton Lane. The property is within easy reach of the A1237 and A64.




The land extending in total to 63.16 Acres (25.56 Ha) comprising 57.69 Acres (23.35 Ha) of farmland, 5.35 Acres (2.17 Ha) of woodland and a pond extending to 0.12 Acres (0.5 Ha).

The land is classified as Grade 3 arable and lies within the Bishampton 1 series being deep fine loamy soils with slowly permeable subsoils and slight seasonal waterlogging associated with well drained fine and course loamy soils in an undulating landscape. Suited to cereals or grassland.


The land benefits from an access directly off Stockton Lane on the west boundary.


We are unaware of any services to the land.


Freehold with vacant possession on completion.

Entry to the Land

Early Entry may be available to work the land on payment of a double deposit.

Wayleaves and Easements

There are two telegraph poles in field 9542.
The land is sold subject to all wayleaves and easements whether mentioned in these particulars or not.
We are unaware of any other wayleaves or easements crossing the land.

Public Rights of Way

The property is sold subject to all rights of way, public or private, whether mentioned in these sales particulars or not.
The Vendor’s are not aware of any public rights of ways crossing the land.

Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ)

We have checked the Environment Agency NVZ map which confirms the land does fall within an NVZ.

Sporting and Mineral Rights

Sporting and mineral rights are included with the sale so far as they are owned.

Countryside Stewardship

Field 9218 is in a Countryside Stewardship agreement that ends 21st December 2026
An area of 12.36 Acres (5 Ha) is included under option AB8 Flower Rich Margins and Plots.

Local Authority

City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA


By permit from the Agents only. Please note if you have downloaded these particulars from our website, you must contact the office to register or you will not be included on further mailings regarding this sale. Please also register at for regular email updates.


It is understood that the property is not assessed for VAT and any offers made are on the basis that VAT will not be charged on the purchase price.

Method of Sale

The land is offered for sale by Private Treaty. The Vendor reserves the right to conclude the sale by any means.

Anti-Money Laundering Regulation

The Agent must comply with Anti Money Laundering regulations. As part of the requirements, the Agent must obtain evidence of the identity and proof of address of potential buyers. Prior to an offer being accepted, all parties who are purchasing must provide the necessary evidence.

Vendor’s Solicitor

Drivers Solicitors, 56a Bootham, York, YO30 7BZ

Agent Contacts

For further information please contact:
Mary Foster MRICS FAAV
Richard Tasker MRICS FAAV
Please see external brochure for contact details

Land Schedule

Please see brochure for Land Schedule

Contact Boulton & Cooper:

Malton office: (01653) 692151
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